“Guangdong Today”来了!南方+英文频道今日上线!

1月4日,“Guangdong Today”南方+英文频道正式上线!

Newsgd.com and Nanfang Plus jointly launched the "Guangdong Today" English news channel on January 4th on the Nanfang Plus app, one of the biggest mobile news apps based in Guangdong.

“Guangdong Today”由南方英文网与南方+客户端联手推出,立足广东,辐射粤港澳大湾区,讲好中国故事、广东故事,致力打造成为广东国际传播新型主流移动发布平台、广东对外发声的权威移动端渠道和世界了解广东的第一窗口。

This Guangdong-based English language news channel will guide you to explore the newest information in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.


Subscription Guide

如何订阅南方+“Guangdong Today”频道?

How to subscribe to the "Guangdong Today" channel?


Step 1: Scan the QR code to view

长按或扫描下方二维码,即可浏览“Guangdong Today”。

Long press or scan the QR code below to browse "Guangdong Today".


Step 2: Open the menu bar


Click on the top right corner to enter the "Channel Management" page.


Step 3: Choose a channel

在“精选频道”版块,点击“Guangdong Today”,即可添加频道到主页面,随时浏览英文资讯!

In the "Featured Channels" section, click "Guangdong Today" to add this channel to the main page and browse English news at any time!
